Tuesday 21 May 2013

Water is Necessary & Best For Your Diet

If you want to be fit and healthy, then water is an important part of your diet, it plays a vital role in healthy weight loss, and drinking enough of it is very essential to keep your system balanced. The amount of water to be taken every day depend upon the individual’s weight, physical activities and so on. It depends on how much you need, but in general  8 – 10 glasses of water are recommended to keep a good health.

Water helps flushing out the impurities from the system efficiently. You should drink the right amount of water every day so that achieving weight loss will be successful, Studies has shown that water consumption has direct bearing on burning of calories.

   Water – Keeps us healthy 

Water is necessary for:

Transportation of oxygen as good as nutrients in to a cells.
Removal of rubbish from our bodies.
Temperature regulation. 
Protein synthesis.
Brain function.
Kidney function.
Nutrient travel and absorption. 
Overall digestive function.
Normal corner function. 
Moisturizing our lungs. 

Thin Foods Plan to Help Weight Loss

Studies definite that there are foods that can help make you thin and also drop pounds easily, all you have to do is to eat well, but not too much, don’t patronize fast-food & avoid junk foods to help you get the balance right. A good rule to bear in mind is to avoid processed foods, which tend to be higher in fat and salt.
It’s important to stay well hydrated on a diet;You’re likely to consume fewer calories, and of course add every kind of fruits and vegetables, Whole grains have the added benefit of generally being lower in calories than refined (think white flour) grains and carbohydrates,  and spice Down Your Weight : A spice to keep you slim is the best idea ever. And the best spice for that is Cinnamon. It controls your post meal insulin spikes
 These foods will not only help you slim down in the long run but will also benefit other aspects of your health.

I, like a lot of people, have the resolution to eat healthier and exercise more. This sandwich is a great way to get in a lot of veggies in one meal.While it does have one kind of cheese slice it very thin, that way you get the taste,add some pickled ginger (no calories!) and boneless skinless chicken breasts (if they are too thick cut them in half ) with sauce lemon, Onions, Lettuce & Tomato (optional).

Enjoy the  best delicious chicken sandwich.